I just want to document, briefly, the absolute start of things: how Pofi was found and came to be ours more than eleven years ago.
Pofi was rescued by a dog. True story. In late October of 2004, our friend was hiking in Tettegouche State Park on the north shore of Lake Superior in northern Minnesota. Amy, her friend and her friend’s dog, Hershey, had finished their hike and were back at the parking lot preparing to depart. Hershey had accumulated some burrs in her fur coat and so her person was getting a comb to remove them when Hershey bolted from the car back onto the trail head. They followed after her to find her sitting guard over a little pup – cold and alone and likely terrified. No way he had gotten into this predicament on his own and certainly, they could not leave him. Amy’s friend closed the little peanut up in her coat and Pofi and his rescuers headed back to the Twin Cities.

Pofi – found alone in Tettegouche State Park, northern MN, Oct, 24, ’04.
Amy could not keep him, but knew us to be good animal people and heard we had lost our dear Yellow Lab mix, Jesse, earlier that year. We were ready and agreed to meet him – I knew right away he had to be ours, but my husband wasn’t quite sure, so I told Amy we would at least help by getting him vetted at our clinic. We decided even before then and she brought him to us a few days later, November 14, 2004, and at the age of 8 weeks, he became ours furever more.

Snuggling with my furever Daddy man, 11/14/04

First nap with my new furever Mommy, 11/14/04.
We didn’t know what he was or how big he would be (and fast he would grow), but he settled in with us and our trio of Kitty Boyz with no issues. He charmed us from the start and charms us to this day. And while I’m not going to run through his whole life’s history on this Tripawd blog, I will say he grew at a rate that stunned us. Nightly, we’d put him in his comfy crate and in the morning, we’d exclaim that he had clearly grown overnight. To illustrate that point:

Growth Spurt – left, 11/20/04 & right, 02/13/05. Less than 3 months time!
The first photo on left is from our first shopping expedition when I bought him his first name tag and a new collar of my choosing. I also signed him up for the next session of Puppy Kindergarten that was available after his immunizations would be complete. The photo on the right is from class graduation date – him in my lap with me trying to put a grad cap on his head. In the 8 weeks of the class he outpaced all the other dogs in terms of growth, even the Goldens and Labs. He towered over all of them by the graduation ceremony – dwarfed them! It amused the trainer and me greatly…
So, next entry, I will skip ahead to the start of his Tripawd and cancer journey, but I just wanted to honor and remember the incredibly lucky day (for us) that he became our boy.